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What is a bitmap image on Windows 11?

The Windows 11 wallpapers?

Adjust power plan options under Windows 11!

Numeric keypad to control the mouse under Windows 11!

Windows 11: Make the mouse easier to use!

Windows 11 Desktop?

What elevated processes are running on Windows 11?

Directly to the Windows 11 WiFi settings as a shortcut!

Create / Open new Explorer Tab View in Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

There is also a configurable timer function to shut down!

Passive ejection of external hard drives and drives!

Export Explorer folder content and tree view under Windows 11, 10 and 8.1?

Do not Sleep parameter example!

Easy expand multiple levels in explorer tree list view!

Hide desktop icons automatically on Windows 10, 8.1, 7 ....!

Mark the whole line in Q-Dir, the Quad-Explorer!

Quad-File-Explorer Q-Dir Defender Firewall Win-10, problem!

Change minutes for several files at the same time!

Features in Desktop-OK for Tray ergo Info area of ​​the Windows 11, 10, ... Task-Bar!

Advanced calendar and month text paste example!

Quickly Change Text Case (upper lower)!

The Control-Panel menu in Run-Command easy to use!

The Silver Aero Clock for Windows Desktops all OS!

Sort the pictures for similarity and highlight better photos!

Mouse Cursor Hide Disable and Options via the Windows taskbar!

Mouse Hearts for the Windows-10 Desktop!

Forget the Font Name!

Play Sound when use copy and paste action from the clipboard!

Over 1000 snowflakes on the Windows 11, 10, ... desktop with low CPU load!

The digital Windows 11, 10, ... desktop clock without lock screen!

The best alternative File Explorer for new Windows 11 and old Windows 10!

Calculate The HDD / SSD / SHDD / SC / USB Speed!

Easy export the Network Ping Results to HTM to compare Result at a later time!

Auto power options adjustment, increase energy efficiency on MS Windows 11, 10, ...

Windows 11, 10, ... Experience Index or recalculate the performance! 

Q-Dir the Quad Explorer for Microsoft's Windows 11, 10, ... Desktop and Server!

The category 3D Tools for Windows on Software OK!

Find Duplicate Photos Remove them Instantly on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

To convert scanned page to PDF A4, A3, A2, A1 on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

The ways to open a link in a new tab?

Images can be reduced by drag and drop!

Master sound volume control via mouse wheel on the taskbar in Windows 11/10!

New work surfaces with their own settings in the Quad Explorer!

Can I work with MS OneDrive and other cloud storage?

PowerShell commands directly in the Explorer Address-Bar Start in current directory!

Quad Explorer: Quickly locate the windows working directory!

Changing file and folder timestamps in Windows made easy?

Desktop icons and arrangements from Windows 7 to 10,11!

What is going on with the duration column on Windows 10?

Add and maintain custom columns in File Explorer Windows 11/10!

The search field in File Explorer is too small (narrow, away) Windows 11/10?

Defender MSASCui.exe and MSASCuiL.exe are missing in the Windows 10 1809?

Help TELNET clients is missing under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7 ... why?

Download a free Sonic Game to play on Windows!

What is an admin mode on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Help, my Windows 10 taskbar is getting full quickly, what can I do?

System Sounds adjust, change or activate in Windows 11, 10, 8.1?

The calculator button is no longer on the desktop from Windows 11/10!

Creating a Security Center Shortcut on the Windows 11 or 10 Desktop!

6 years of Windows 10 and now comes Windows 11!

Troubleshooting tips for inkjet printers on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Disable Quick Access in File Explorer on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Image comparison software windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Windows 10 / 11 and computer management!

Windows 10/11: shell:fonts!

Where is the night mode in Windows 10, 11 please?

Find out the Chrome browser version in Windows 10 32/64 bit!

Difference between Notepad and WordPad Windows 11, 10, 8.1 + Server!

The sticky notes Windows 10 or Windows 11!

Find and use the pre-installed calculator app at Windows 10!

System Requirements Immersive Headset for Windows 10 Mixed Reality, what's it?

Windows 10/11 the advanced management of hard drives and drives!

Why is Microsoft Windows 10 available for free?

After upgrade, user switching does not show why Windows 10 / 11?

How do I reset registry entries in Windows to default values?

Run The Msi Afterburner also on Windows 10, 11!

Example 78 percent similarity in Find.Same.Images.OK!

Pointer Stick Neon Yellow Metallic on Windows Desktop!

Mark pictures correctly with the keyboard + mouse in File Explorer!

Fast testing / detection of hard drives and drives as well as path!

Who should definitely use the Alternate Run dialog in Windows?

What is Secure Delete in Windows good and suitable for?

Can I eject drive with this tool under Windows 11?

Latency and access time in Is-My-Memory-OK?

Can I list user accounts through PowerShell?

Determine if my program is running in the active season, CPP on Windows?

Replace string for unicode in c++ visual studio!

Was with error code -1073741701 (0xc000007b)!

What are mouse click options?

Bluetooth, WLAN, or USB-PC connection for printing with Windows (11, 10, 8.1, 7)?

Reduce waiting time when shut down the Windows 11, 10, .. etc.!

Disable simple file sharing in Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...?

Where can I download the free Avira AntiVir Personal?

Create Your Own Test Certificate (code signing certificate)?

Proper reboot and shutdown via command prompt?

Clear clipboard via command prompt!

Change directory or drive in command prompt!

Share more fonts for Windows 11, 10, ... command prompt!

Query the Mac address via the command line (CMD)!

Read / display the Windows license key via command line no hack!

Can you query x64 or x32 via cmd command?

Disable and enable SmartScreen via CMD BATCH command?

Console and PowerShell show the Date or change the Time!

What is network security?

Help, MS Word and Excel are suddenly dark, why?

Find and replace text in Microsoft Word?

Reduce margins and headers before printing Office documents!

How to change the default paper size in Word!

Change the default Excel font in Excel for Office 365!

MS-Excel can calculate Euro or US Dollar sum, but how?

Uninstall, remove desktop aero clock, but how from MS Windows?

What is sufficient as virus protection in Windows XP?

Difference between developer mode and safe mode?

Can you tell me something about God Mode in Windows?

What are Windows system alerts?

What is peak enable in Windows 12, 11, 10?

Why computer name on Windows OS?

Uninstall programs that are grayed out under Windows 11 and 10?

Difference Quality update and feature update on Windows!

Rotate an image under Windows 11, 10, .. etc.?

Unlock and delete Files and Folder via MS File-Explorer Context Menu?

Show folder size and print directory content in MS Windows all OS!

Why use an image comparison app on Windows?

Can I also compare Camera Raw files, like in Photoshop?

Who should not use this practical tool to increase energy efficiency?

Questions about stability and speed of Windows 10 in 2024?

Adjusting font size for Program Elements on Windows 10/11?

In Windows 10 / 11 Task Manager is not displayed!

Windows 10 Update and Folder Protection turn off and on, how to?

File Explorer Folder Options in Windows 10/11, how to find, open?

Burn a CD or DVD or from an ISO file on Windows-10/11?

Auto Run a program when Windows 10/11 starts, how to?

Disable preview in the Taskbar of Windows 10, how to?

Customize SmartScreen on Windows 10 (disable, enable)?

Find, start and run the Troubleshooting in Windows-10?

Is it possible with slmgr -rearm to extend the Windows 10 trial period?

Change user password in Windows 10/11, via NET USER command?

Do i have Windows 10/11 x86, x64 or x32 and 32 or 64 Bit?

Where is the classic calculator in Windows 11, 10, ... (find, start, run)?

Who should definitely use the alternative screen magnifier in Windows?

Why do images look different on my monitor than when printed?

Does Don't Sleep work on MS Windows 11!

How do I get rid of Don't Sleep (Windows, 11, 10, 8.1, ...)?

How to uninstall The auto hide cursor?

What does it mean when we digitize your company processes?

Weekly schedule for mentally disabled and autistic children!

Please think about the environment before printing this email, why?

Color Laser Printer Or Inkjet Printer, Which Is Better For Me?

Can I compress any 1GB of data to 10MB with KGB Archiver 2?

Microsoft's Microsoft Office should also be available for free, but where?

Why the RAM / Memory test for Windows?

I can't delete temporary scans, why?

Can I still determine the folder sizes on Windows 11?

Why do I need a tool like Office.Files.Images for Windows?

Who needs this Pixel Tester for Windows (10, 8.1, 11)?

Where is the Rating in Windows 8.1, 10 (Windows Experience Index)?

Set the default printer for the apps, programs in Windows 8.1 and 10!

The mouse track trails in Windows 8.1 and 10, can I disable this?

Display the full path in the title bar of Win 8.1 ms-explorer!

Create a password reset eg. recovery disk for Windows 8.1, 8 and Windows 10!

Auto update the driver software on the win-8 or 8.1 via device manager!

Copy Windows 8.1 and 10 folder view settings for all folders, (match, transfer)?

How to scan to pdf in Windows 8 / 10 and 8.1?

Hide Windows 8.1 libraries or remove, delete, add, can you do that?

How to zoom view in Start Menu and Apps Metro Screen Windows-8?

How to make in Windows 8 or 8.1 a restart with recovery options?

Help in Windows 8 is missing the old Start menu, how can i activate it?

How can I crack the www.gmx.de password or log in or register at www.gmx.com?

Spell check Internet Explorer 11/10 change Windows (10, 8.1, 7)?

How to delete or remove applications on Facebook.com and chainge the settings?

Can I run a simple ping with TraceRouteOK?

Memory upgrade on Samsung Galaxy how to modify (Android)?

Help I lost the Windows Performance Index Tool can i use it again W10?

Where can I change the alarm sound during the countdown?

How can I get rid of the Desktop Pixel Query Software on Windows 11, 10, ...?

What does the hide system mouse pointer feature?

Can I still create the short door notes under Windows 11?

Disable specifying a reason for restarts and shutdowns Windows Server?

Where can I find the download for a good alternative to Microsoft's Office?

Windows 7 direct download links all versions!

Does this app work on ARM64 or Snapdragon X Elite CPUs?

It always comes back to virus and Trojan messages, why?

How can I remove, disable ergo uninstall the mouse tracks?

Hard drive suddenly RAW and not NTFS / FAT32?

Windows system file recovery program (example)!

Can I change the file format from rar to zip?

Flixbus tracking, is that possible?

Microsoft games using teredo, like Forza Horizon etc.?

Should I rather use a large or small digital desktop clock?

How can I disable the date display on the desktop clock?

Will Windows Settings ⚙️ be available in Windows 12?

What new features and functions does Windows 12 offer compared to Windows 11?

Notepad++ context menu missing in file explorer Q-Dir?

What I miss is being able to disconnect or connect the network drive?

Start Copy, Paste, Delete in new Process (arrange the files in explorer view)!

Can i make Q-Dir open if i double click My Computer?

Problems when deleting, and listing on the network and NTFS drives?

How can i force move or copy of the data while dragging?

Can I somehow disable the click navigation sound on Windows 10/11 in Q-Dir?

Forward and back-navigation and keep selection of objects in all Explorer Views!

Why this mouse wheel tool for Windows 11,  10, 8.1, ...?

Difference between server 2016 and 2019?

What is Alt-Gr for a key?

Differences between the right and left shift keys?

How do I get into the PC BIOS boot menu instead of using F8?

Difference Between Laptop and Notebook?

Show My Computer or This PC as an icon?

Difference between plotter and printer?

Hello, how does it work Auto Words in MS Office Word?

The Windows key combination to start the task manager quickly and directly!

What are the benefits of using Auto-Hide desktop icons in Windows?

Command prompt or the ColorConsole as admin and advantages?

Are there any restrictions on the number of files in New-File-Time?

When drag drop are not all files and folders added to the list?

Can I position the desktop clock on the desktop freely?

Do you need Advanced System Settings in Windows 11 or 12?

Remove recycle bin icon in windows 11 or 10?

Officially buy Windows 11 from Microsoft?

Slow startup windows 11 or 10?

Free positioning of the desktop icons under Windows 11?

How to resize Taskbar On Windows 11 small, medium and large?

Estimated time of remaining battery life in Windows 11 system tray?

What is the frame rate of my Windows 11, 10, ... monitor?

Search in Windows 11 the option to start the task manager via the taskbar!

Can I still play Microsoft Solitaire on Windows 11 / 10?

Where can I find the quick settings in Windows 11?

I was able to install Windows 11 without TPM, why?

What is better, update Windows 10 to Windows 11, or reinstall?

The rounded window corners are not displayed in Windows 11!

The Windows-11 FAQ!

Difference between C# and .NET?

Difference between static and dynamic websites?

The difference between blockchain and cryptocurrency?

Difference between OLED and QLED?

Difference between hardware and software?

How can i translate ProcessKO or change the language?

I want to understand the virtual screen?

Load and Save windows desktop Icon Layout from file (quick restore)!

I have set it to 'Keep last 4' but it doesn't so autosave the icons!

System and program commands for MS Windows in QTP for more Hotkeys!

How to see is it an important Windows Hot-Key, not occupied or in use?

How to Paste plain text from the clipboard via placeholder?

Windows 10: Installation errors - what to do?

Disabling Reserved storage space, Registry Hack?

How does this tool improve print quality on the printer?

Run Performance Test on Windows 7 ergo Windows Experience Index!

How to use Send-To feature to run Programs from Send-To in Windows 7/8.1?

How can I change the desktop wallpaper background in Windows 7?

How to open Device Manager in Windows-7 (start, run)?

How to show Recycle Bin Icon on the Windows 7 Desktop?

Supports Windows 7, the Cool'n'Quiet power-saving mode of the AMD processors?

Should I use with AMD64 Windows-7 x86 or x64?

Remove My magazine from home screen start on the Android smart phone!

EV and OV code signing?

What is a computer time?

What is a blank PDF?

What is a shift key?


What is Num Lock?

What is a programming language?

What is bloatware?

What is a toner (toner cartridge)?

What is a quantum theory!

What is Autodesk?

What is an auto text?

What are background programs?

What is Windows PE (WinPE)?

What is an EXE file?

What is pagefile.sys?

File formats and file types, what is it?

Does BIN to ISO support MODE2 / 2352 and MODE1 / 2048 ISO9660 UDF?












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